Phone: 336-495-2700
Mobile Crisis: 1-877-626-1772

Therapeutic Alternatives, Inc. has been providing quality services to North Carolinians since 1958. We support approximately 1,000 people across the state.
Our services include:
Individualized One-On-One Support, Innovations Waiver Services, Hospital Transition Team Services, Mobile Crisis Response Teams, Psychosocial Rehabilitation and adult day programs. In addition we operate adult group homes.
Our community services coordinators link each individual in the community with a direct care employee who helps to meet the specific needs of the individual. Then, under the supervision of the community services coordinator, each one-on-one direct care employee helps the individual and his or her family to achieve a variety of individualized goals based on the person’s needs, strengths and preferences. Goals may be addressed in the home, community or vocational settings.
Staff are trained in person centered thinking, person centered planning, Client Rights, First Aid, CPR and crisis response. We have staff who are able to interpret for people with hearing impairments.
To learn more about our Community Services, please contact our office at 336-495-2700 or to make a referral, or email kenny@mytahome.com.
Innovations Waiver Services
Hospital Transition Teams (Sandhills Center catchment area & Wake County)
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs in Montgomery, Chatham, Moore, Randolph and Person Counties
Adult Developmental Day Programs in Lexington and Randleman
Mobile Crisis Management in Chatham County, Guilford County, Wake and Johnston Counties and Randolph, Anson, Richmond, Lee, Harnett, Montgomery, Moore, Hoke and Cumberland Counties
Residential Services (DDA and SPMI group homes)
Therapeutic Alternatives, Inc. operates group homes for adults in Guilford, Randolph, Hoke and Moore Counties. We operate licensed group homes for adults with developmental disabilities (DDA) as well as for adults with mental illness (SPMI). Individuals must be at least 18 years of age and live in family-style, community-integrated homes with an emphasis on community involvement, education, employment and gaining independent skills. All group homes are licensed for adults and are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Our group homes range in size from three to six beds. Many of the people we support work in the community, attend day programs, or receive compensatory education at local community colleges. Some receive either Innovations Waiver services or other mental health services to support them in their vocational placements and personal care activities in the group home.
To learn more about a Therapeutic Alternatives, Inc. group home or to inquire about placement, contact email kenny@mytahome.com.
We welcome referrals to our agency. To make a referral for any of our programs or services, you may email us at kenny@mytahome.com or contact us at 336-495-2700.